Software Update and Software Upgrade: What’s the Difference?
Do you want to upgrade or update your legacy software? The term is quite complicated and most businesses fail to realize how this little tiny difference may affect their project. So, we have simplified the two term very specifically to help your choose right what you want.
“What’s the difference between a software update and an upgrade?” Have you ever been asked this question before? If yes, then chances are the question might have left you unuttered. But, fortunately, it will no longer remain the puzzle for you. Read on to this detailed guide on what’s the difference between a software upgrade and a software update.
Are you one of those who have never even imagined there may be any difference between a software update and a software upgrade? Then you may have considered them interchangeably many times that’s wrong. Software updates and upgrades are two entirely different things.
A software update, in general, is a release consisting of enhancements to the existing version of the software. An upgrade, on the other hand, is a wholly new version of the current software that brings significant changes in its features and functionalities and the way it works.
Codzgarage is the leading software migration agency offering comprehensive migrations services, including porting, converting, updating and upgrading legacy applications to modern platform.Contact us today to learn more about how we do.
The software upgrade is sometimes defined as migration– as it brings massive change to the existing software. As we gauged the basics, let’s dive deeper into the difference between a software update and an upgrade. You’ll end up getting a crystal-clear view of the topic.
What’s Software Update?
Software updates or patches are a kind of software that’s improved and free to download for an existing system, application, and operating system. The software update aims to fix the features not working as expected and add some improved features and capabilities.
The preliminary purpose of a software update is to address security issues and minor bugs in the software and peripherals and add new models of equipment to improve its robustness against vulnerabilities. In most cases, it is required to re-architect your existing software, though it comes with various factors to understand how it is done.
The Importance of Software Updates
Software updates are small and free; it doesn’t mean they aren’t significant. They are simple and small but play a vital role and influence software to a massive extent. Software updates are often known for troubleshooting issues; let’s know why you should consider software updation.
A Software Update_
- Introduce new features to your existing software.
- Protect against newly-found security risks and vulnerabilities.
- Fixes bugs and enhances the performance of the software.
- Better battery depletion rate.
- Expands your product’s durability and allows maximum productivity.
Why Do You Need Software Update?
- Protection Against Security Risks— According to Statista, 58 percent of those who migrated their software to the cloud gave ‘security and data protection as the top reason.
Software that isn’t updated for a long time increases the risk of security breaches. There may be some newly found malware and weaknesses that can affect your software product if you deny updating it– as it’s especially done to safeguard your software and keep security breaches at bay.
- Bug Fixes and Security Improvements— Although the software you’re using may have gone through various testing before getting delivered to you, there are some malware and bugs that come every now and then, no matter how hard you try to prevent them. A software update intends to fix these bugs and make the software perform smoothly.
Which Devices Requries Software Updates?
From the application and operating system running on your mobile, computer, and tablet to the smartwatch you wear on your wrist along with numerous peripherals, every one of these requires getting updated frequently.
How do You Know You Device Need an Update?
Your device will notify you when a new update comes unless you’ve selected an option that enables automatic updates.
The device defines all the information regarding the update, like why the update is essential and when it’s available to download. In order to update the software, you need a stable internet connection, as most of the updates are applied over the internet.
Smart Gadgets Updates vs Computer Software Updates
When it comes to tablets and smartphones, the software takes the form of an application. You get notified either by message or a visual indicator on the app’s icon as soon as any updated version of the application is available. Updates are free and require only and stable internet connection once you permit it to get installed.
Smart Gadgets
Operating system updates for the devices like tablets and smartphones are usually made through the devices’ settings. The update process takes more time compared to an app download; hence, in some cases, the device needs to be plugged into the power outlet during the installation process.
Computer Software
Unlike these systems, when you subscribe to an internet app or a suite of applications, for instance, Microsoft 365, the software modernization and updates may occur on their own automatically. This means you won’t need to follow a software update procedure manually.
With Adobe Creative Cloud, you’ll have a notification when an update is available for the app. You can choose to install it at your convenience.
What’s Software Upgrade?
Unlike software updates, the software upgrade is something different. It’s a new and upgraded version of existing software embedded with significant changes that provide a massive improvement to the existing version of the software.
You need to purchase the new and upgraded version of the software. Sometimes, however, when an upgrade comes soon after you purchase software, the service provider may provide it to you for no cost. In other scenarios, you’ll be liable to pay for the upgrade and the latest version.
The Importance of Software Upgrade
Similar to software updates, software upgradation has numerous benefits; here are some of them, if we name a few.
- Additional Features and Enhancements
- Improved connectivity
- Convenient reporting and planning
- Enhanced efficiency and reduced expense
- Excellent Compliance
Why Do You Need Software Upgrade?
- Improved Features and Functionality— A software upgrade often comes with new features compared to previous versions. It incorporates new technology advancements and enhanced features to make the app run faster and smoother. Moreover, software upgrades can provide ease of use and incorporate new methods to save energy that, results in alleviating power consumption.
- Compatibility with Trending System— When an older version of software no longer remains in trend, the service provider stops providing updates for them. This causes legacy systems to be unable to be compatible with your current operating systems. Furthermore, because of a lack of upgrades, an older software version remains vulnerable to security breaches and issues. Software that’s upgraded from time to time will remain in alignment with the current technologies and trends.
What Are the Key Difference Between Software Updates and Upgrades?
Simply put, when there are considerable changes made to the software, for instance, the addition of features, changes to the UI, and so on, it’s a software upgrade. In simple terms, switching from an existing version to a new and upgraded version is a software upgrade.
On the contrary, making improvements to an existing software system to fix bugs and enhance its capabilities against potential vulnerabilities is something called a software update. The table given below compares both software updates and upgrades based on different factors.
Particular | Software Update | Software Upgrade |
Objective | The objective of the software update is to enhance the existing features and functionalities, for instance, support for plug-ins or security updates. Plug-ins or security updates. | Unlike software updates, the preliminary objective of a software upgrade is to introduce new and innovative features to an application or software. |
Simplicity | A software update is a relatively simple task to perform. | A software upgrade is way more complex compared to an update. |
Difference | The software remains the same as it was before, but some functionalities get changed for different purposes, including security bug fixes and so on. | In an upgrade, software gets exchanged entirely with a new one following its previous version. |
Space | For updates, a reduced amount of space is required. | Unlike updates, a software upgrade requires more space on the system. |
Time Consumption | Software update doesn’t take much time compared to a software upgrade. | A software upgrade is a time-consuming affair that involves a lot of effort, too. |
Change Made to The Software | Software updates includes a few changes. | It consists of massive changes. |
Frequency | Compared to upgrades, software updates are more frequent. | Software upgrades are comparatively less frequent than updates. |
Change in Version | When updated, the software version remains the same as it was before. | In case of software upgrades, the version of the app or software gets changed. |
Cost | An example of software update can be updating Windows 10 to add new features or security patches. | Upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 can be the best example of a software upgrade. |
Examples | An example of software update can be updating Windows 10 to add new features or security patches. | Upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 can be the best example of a software upgrade. |
Roles and Significance | Software updates play a significant role in fixing bugs, boosting security gaps, updating devices, and so on. | The software upgrade, on the other hand, incorporates new features by gaining access to emerging technologies. |
Final Thoughts:
Software updates and software upgrades seem similar; however, they have some differences in their nature. A software update is just for the improvement of the features and the security strength of an app. Software upgrade, on the other hand, is more than just an update.
Upgrading software replaces the existing software entirely, embedding it with a new and next version of the existing one. Simply put, upgrading means you get something new, whereas updates lead to fixing the same software you already have. Whether you want to upgrade your VB6 to .NET Core or update your VB.NET modern platforms, we are here for help.
We’ve examined the software update and upgrade in detail, including what they are, what are the importance of software update and upgrade, along with the reasons why one should do that. Furthermore, we put a comparative list for both of these two consisting of end-to-end differences.
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