Top 5 Programming & Scripting Languages For DevOps Engineers In 2024


Kevin Bhut

June 18, 2024

July 22, 2024
Top 5 Programming & Scripting Languages For DevOps Engineers In 2024

When it comes to software development methodologies, DevOps comes at the top. The very methodology offers better communication, collaboration, and frequent improvement throughout the software development lifecycle. But for that, DevOps engineers need to learn some of the specific programming & scripting languages to speed up the software development and deployment procedure.

An excellent engineer must have a knack for DevOps engineering using several programming and scripting languages. The more coding languages a developer knows, the more efficient he will be at the development. You might be thinking, what are those tech stacks in which a developer should be efficient? In this article, we will learn the top 5 programming and scripting languages for DevOps engineers!

Let’s dig deeper!

Top Programming Languages For DevOps Engineers



Java is one of the next-level DevOps programming languages that DevOps engineers must learn. Being a general-purpose programming language, Java allows developers to implement it for various kinds of software development regardless of platform. DevOps engineers can integrate Java into the existing codebase; hence, they prefer using the same. The very feature makes the adoption of new technologies way more convenient without the need for the recreation of large applications.

  • Performance— Java excels at offering next-level performance in terms of runtime execution, which makes it excellent for enterprise application development.
  • Ease of Learning— Java tends to have an easy learning curve because of its object-oriented paradigm but offers robust competencies once you’ve gained mastery.
  • Platform Compatibility— Java is a platform-agnostic technology that follows the “write once, run anywhere” principle.
  • Scalability— Being designed for scalability, Java is highly scalable and, thereby, is an ideal choice for enterprise-level software development.
  • Developer’s Community— Java owns a large developer’s community.


JavaScript is another DevOps scripting language developers use to create interactive and dynamic visual effects for apps that can run on desktop, mobile, and web apps. The scripting language tends to be suitable for the creation of web forms and video validation of user input. However, JavaScript’s multi-paradigm style is likely to seem to be complicated for beginners; it can be excellent for gaining experience with other programming languages, for instance, Python and Java.

  • Performance— JavaScript tends to offer moderate performance, specifically in browsers; however, it’s consummate for interactive web apps.
  • Ease of Learning— The learning curve is moderate; however, you may need constant practice, especially for web development.
  • Platform Compatibility— JavaScript is crucial for browsers and has the competencies of running on servers making use of Node.js.
  • Scalability— It’s highly scalable and is suited for web scalability, particularly for client-side scripting.
  • Developer’s Community— JavaScript has an immense development community with gargantuan frameworks and resources.


Python is another type of DevOps scripting language for engineers. It adapts to different use cases and environments, making it an excellent choice for DevOps developers. The scripting language is versatile and compatible across platforms, for instance, macOS, Linux, and Windows. Besides, Python is one of the quality scripting languages that can be employed for native web development and machine learning. What’s more, Python contains dynamic typing, open-source access, and clean syntax, making it an excellent alternative for beginners as well as experienced DevOps programmers.

  • Performance— Python is moderate when it comes to performance that can suit most of the tasks but is not well-suited for computationally intensive needs.
  • Ease of Learning— Python comes with a clean and readable syntax that makes it easy to learn and a suitable preference for DevOps engineers.
  • Platform Compatibility— Python is a platform-agnostic technology, making it compatible with platforms like Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Scalability— Python is moderate in terms of scalability. It works for medium-sized projects but might come across challenges with large-scale applications.
  • Developer’s Community— Python owns a large and active developer’s community.


PHP is one of the most popular open-source DevOps scripting languages for web development. DevOps engineers employ PHP for the development of web applications. The very scripting language is suitable for creating static and dynamic websites. Besides, PHP enables you to integrate payment processors, widgets, and social media channels.

  • Performance— PHP offers moderate performance while focusing on web development tasks as well as dynamic web pages.
  • Ease of Learning— PHP is easy to learn, especially for beginners.
  • Platform Compatibility— PHP is a platform-agnostic language used for different development needs.
  • Scalability— PHP tends to be suitable for web apps but may need careful planning when you have large projects.
  • Developer’s Community— PHP has a large community of developers.


Ruby is one of the scripting languages that automate repetitive tasks associated with custom software development. This dynamic programming language is an excellent DevOps tool utilized for web development, unit testing, etc.

  • Performance— Ruby offers moderate performance.
  • Ease of Learning— Ruby is easy to learn, particularly for beginners.
  • Platform Compatibility— It’s a cross-platform programming language.
  • Scalability— Rupy handles various applications; however, it may need careful consideration for scalability.
  • Developer’s Community— Ruby has a mediocre community with a robust presence in scripting and automation.

Wrapping Up!

That’s all about the best programming language for DevOps! We discussed the top 5 DevOps programming and scripting languages intensively. We have mentioned the top names which are used widely in DevOps, though you can explore various other options depending on the project requirement. For example, for complex projects, businesses often choose to hire dedicated .NET Core developers while Angular, React, Node remain an option as the project demands. Hopefully, you’ve got your questions answered. So, assess your project and make a wise selection of technology for DevOps project development!

Kevin Bhut

Kevin Bhut

Co-Founder & CEO

Kevin is a seasoned business professional with over 12+ years of experience in the IT industry. As the CEO of Codzgarage and a certified business coach, he is passionate about guiding business owners and executives towards success by unlocking their full potential through stringent strategies and digital transformation. With a proven track record of transforming struggling companies into profitable enterprises, Kevin’s expertise lies in strategic planning, custom software development, and business solution development. His collaborative leadership style and commitment to achieving results make him a highly sought-after business coach and consultant.

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